New color for your deck!

May 24, 2019News & Updates0 comments

As we approach Memorial Day weekend, we can’t help but think of all the things we have to do in order to host the best cookout! The cleaning, prepping, and cooking are all too overwhelming. In addition, the location is also a concern, specially if your home may need some updating, like your outdoor patio and deck. Even though this is the first holiday cookout, there is still more time to prepare your deck or outdoor patio for the next cookout!

Affordable Pressure Wash Solutions offers pressure washing services for wooded exteriors, such as decks. In addition, we offer sealing services that will give your deck a whole new look! We have a selection of colors, but customers are more than welcomed to purchase their own color with the support of our representatives. In the images below, our customer used Thompson Woodland Cedar paint for their deck. We have over 30 years of experience and we want this process to be as efficient and effective as possible.

If you are interested in these services, don’t hesitate any longer! Call us TODAY!

301-495-WASH (9274)



301-495-WASH (9274)

Presets Color
